On a recent visit to the Nottingham home of Luke "Anwar" Ferrit, London artists Daniel Oliver and Luke his long-term colaborator were caught out with their masks off. As the haphazard performance act AuntyNazi the Contract Impressionist duo are famously secretive when it comes to revealing just what it is we're in for when we shell the bucks to come unstuck at one of their shows.

Signed to deliver the goods at Nick Turner's Chameleon Lounge this past August, the two nipped out on a prop hunt in Nottingham centre and made a beeline for discount store T.K.Max. A source close to the artists who by chance happened to be in the store checking out a pair of skinny denims said she saw the shop-girl go scarlet in the kisser when they presented her with a list of last minute items required for the upcoming gig at the Chameleon.
"Goggles, yes, swimsuits, yes, paddling pool, water guns, see the kiddies section, hose pipe, towels, yes, calipers no, and erm... lube? Not here, unfortunately, guys!"
Luckily the former Notts art-scenesters are well-known in the city for their wily ways and the T.K.Maxette saw the funny side. The guys even slipped her 2 tickets for the show! Hmmm... Smells like hush-money to me.